Welcome to my
freestyle tech page
Here I showcase some of my crazy ideas.

Mint Selfie As NFT
Want to make some souvenirs? This project is made to give attendees their Salesforce Architect Summit selfies as souvenirs.

Unleashing Insights: Crafting a NextGen Amazon Data Scraping App
Experience seamless data extraction from Amazon with our NextJs and Brightdata-powered app.

Freestyler OpenAI Weather
Experience real-time insights and personalized interactions with Freestyler OpenAI Weather.

Building an Amazon Clone with Next.js
Build an Amazon clone with Next.js that allows users to log in with Google or Facebook, add products to their cart, and place orders.

Next.js 13 Meets Azure & DALL-E: Revolutionizing Image Generation
Discover how Next.js 13, Microsoft Azure, and OpenAI's DALL-E converge in our latest application to transform user prompts into stunning images. This blog delves into the seamless integration of cutting-edge AI with cloud computing, offering a glimpse into the future of interactive web technology.